It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Taking the Body, Watkins Glen Gladiators #4.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“You know if you’re mad about me and Bridgette having lunch on the lawn, all you got to do is say so,” he said as he sauntered back into the cool confines of the garage. “I mean, I ain’t sure what would get your knickers in such a knot but I seen you glaring at us through your office window. I don’t think it should matter where an employee spends her lunch hour but probably you got rules about commoners being seen on the front yard.”
My mouth fell open. He stopped a mere foot in front of me, a bristled bantam rooster ready to spar with the bigger cock in the chicken yard. The man had cheek, and temerity, that I could not deny. Not an ounce of fear or anxiety did I see on his stern face.
“You are speaking stupidly,” I stuttered, shocked at such a crass assumption. “Commoner? Who would…why would I even think such a thing? Bridgette is a trusted employee. Do you…my God, what kind of person would even…she is allowed to eat wherever she wishes but you should not be coming on to her!”
Now it was time for him to gape. “Coming onto… I never did anything like that. She’s a nice girl who was trying to teach me some fancy manner shit so that when I sat down to eat at your fancy ass table with all them fancy ass utensils I’d know which fancy ass spoon to use for the fancy ass soup!” My ire fizzled out like a trick candle atop a birthday cake. “Yeah, exactly. Like I’d want to come onto a girl who ain’t much older than my cousin Maria, the ballerina who works with seals now, remember?”
“Oui, I do remember. I just…” I had no idea what to say or do next. To say he had brought me up short was an understatement.
Oh, boy! Talk about jumping to a wrong conclusion. Great dialogue!
Love the rage displayed here. Well done!
Oh, the tension! Now he knows the truth of what happened. Maybe sparks will fly? Great job!!
Love how he dressed down the idiot making assumptions! Well done. Great dialogue. And I love the line about the trick candle. Obviously you’ve either done that or been the victim of that at some time in your life. So funny. Great snippet, wonderful revealing of characters.