It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Taking the Body, Watkins Glen Gladiators #4.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
I stood there stunned, lost, and muddled. What the hell had we even been talking about, and how did it end with a ghostly typewriter and a rabbit that ate fingers?
“Yes, well, all that aside, please have your things ready for noon,” I said, easing away from the talkative man with the killer abs, and calves, and thighs. “I must return to the vineyard now.”
“If you give me ten minutes I can ride to the chalet with you.”
“I…well…I don’t…”
“Perfect. Give me ten minutes. Just sit down and chill. You look uptight already and it ain’t even nine o’clock.” He jogged down the stairs, pushed his mug of steaming coffee at me, looked up at me with a smile that made me feel twitchy, and then hustled back into the parsonage singing a song about some young man named Tommy who previously worked on some docks. I had no clue about the song or what had just happened. How had I lost control so quickly?
Cradling the coffee as I mulled over my lack of command, I took an absent sip of the dark liquid. Sweet with no cream. I also drank my coffee that way. When I had some which was only once per day as caffeine played havoc with my already terrible sleep patterns.
I took a seat. After I removed my handkerchief and dusted the dirt and pine needles off the top step. I didn’t wish to stain my tan Armani slacks. Seated on my hankie, I listened to the wind wuthering through the trees and tried to center. My morning meditation peaceful vibe had withered on the vine like black rot when it blights a domaine.
©Copyright V.L. Locey 2023
Love your prose — sitting on my hanky….the morning meditation withering on a vine like black rot…brilliant. Your writing is amazing. Love this excerpt.
Excellent scene. Jean’s right. Your descriptions are amazing. Well done.
Priceless wording– what unique imagery and phrases! I also very much enjoy the way the one’s exuberance playfully steamrolls over the other’s reticence.
Aww. Sorry the meditation vibe didn’t last- Love how the napkin was used to protect the slacks. Nice snippet.
Love that last line where you tie up all his thoughts like this. Great way to use the ‘black’ prompt too!