It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Dump and Chase, Watkins Glen Gladiators #3, an M/M hockey romance, releasing October 2, 2023. Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“… no matter what we do not let Cayuga’s power play units hit the ice,” Coach Sanford was telling us. Again. We had just put in a solid hour of honing faceoffs and taking pot shots at our goalies. Liam would be in net tomorrow then Basky would take the Comets. Both tendies were primed. The new goaltending coach, August Miles, was well-liked by both goaltenders, and the whole team. He was a nice guy, queer, and coached in a mild way that the tendies responded well to. “And that means no stupid penalties.”
We, as a whole, looked at Greck kneeling on the ice with the rest of us.
“What?” Greck asked as if offended but he really wasn’t. The man lived for chaos. Nothing made him happier than stirring the shit pot then dumping said pot on the ice then flinging the pooh in the faces of the opposing team. “I’ve been such a good boy of late. Seriously, I even got blessed by Pastor Gabe. He assured me that him sprinkling me with sawdust from a holy building site would give me grace for a week. Therefore and toot sweet, I shall commit no crimes before my times.”
He crossed himself then gave us all a look that made Bean sigh. The team captain knew us all pretty well. And we all knew Greck. Telling him not to be a burr under someone’s saddle was like asking my mother to wear her beloved pearl earrings to services every Sunday.
“The first one who takes a stupid penalty will be scratched from the game against the Comet’s,” Coach said, his gaze burrowing into Greck.
“No worries about me, Coach, I’m full of grace. Just like that calendar kid.” Greck gave me a wink then launched into some crazy ass tale about his cousin who was a Wednesday child and therefore now thought he needed to dress all goth and carry a stuffed hand around. No one dared to ask if the hand were a real hand or a fake one because that would just spur Greck to talk. Endlessly.
©Copyright V.L. Locey 2023
Love this. Laughed at the stuffed hand comment. Well done.
I love Greck! He’s trying so hard to state that he is amending for his errors but I sense by his constant speech that he’ll do it again. Great job!
Greck is all entertainment lol. Great snippet.
Love a bad boy who thinks he’s safe from his own naughty behavior!! What a hoot. What a kooky, fun piece that made me smile. This Greck is a great character. Way to go!