It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Today we have a snippet from Rebound, Overtime Trilogy #1, which is an upcoming trio of books that cover about fifteen years in the Arou-Kalinski men’s lives. In this first book we get Victor’s point-of-view about the ups and downs taking place in his life.
Our word prompt today is “Chest”.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
Heather tried to coo and comfort the tired toddler, but he was having no parts of her. I went to stand but Brooks slid in before me, gathering up my son, and taking him inside to calm down, my boy whimpering on his shoulder, his lower lip dangling.
I opened my mouth. Dan pinched my thigh. Hard. Heather gave me a look. It wasn’t a nasty one, I wasn’t sure she could do nasty if her life depended on it. But she could slap you senseless with a warning glare. One slim eyebrow artfully arched, blue gaze steady, the woman was all kinds of serious.
“He’s a good man, Victor. And he loves Jack as if he were his own,” Heather softly said, the wind lifting several yellow strands of hair that had pulled free from her ponytail and making them dance around her face. The neighbors tiny dog started yapping inside it’s house.
“Yeah but he’s not his own. He’s my own.” I tapped my chest sharply with my finger.
She blinked at me, her mouth firm, her gaze unwavering. “Don’t be that guy, Vic.”
“I don’t know how to be anyone but that guy.”
“Maybe it’s time you learned,” she replied, took the watermelon off the table with a clean jerk movement, and stormed into the house.
Dan huffed in exasperation.
Eugene chortled. “Son, you surely do have a heaping helping of that Kalinski charm,” he said after spitting another seed to the grass.
Copyright 2019 ©by V.L. Locey
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The Kalilnski charm! I love it!! Yep, he sure does. It must be very difficult to watch another man raise your biological child. I feel for Victor. Life can be hard, especially when you have a foot in two camps.s
The storm of feelings in Victor is so strong. And I don’t blame him for wanting to be that guy when he wants to help his son. I got sucked in – great job!
Yes! More Kalinsky Charm!
You have a knack for using the most delicious, descriptive phrases. Loved this. Can’t wait to see more.