It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Today we have an excerpt from The Christmas Tenor, Laurel Holidays #3.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“Ugh, that ending when they reunited at the waterfall? I died. I literally had to excuse myself from the theater and hide in the ladies room like a ninny.” Lily mimicked splashing her face with water as we all chuckled. “Cold water to the face, nose blowing, fixing the makeup. I was a mess.”
“That’s the last time I take you to the Seattle Gay Film Festival,” Julian said as he stirred cream into his coffee. His mother waved him off. I could tell by the glow in his eyes that Julian would take Lily wherever she wished. His love for her and his father was evident, and theirs for him was just as plain. It didn’t seem to matter to them at all that their only son was gay. I had no clue how to handle all of this acceptance other than to sit in wonder and feel just a bit envious. His sister didn’t arrive until we were done and rising to leave.
“I feel like the crud that grows on the belly of a boat,” Louisa groaned as she poured herself some coffee. She did look rather rough. If I didn’t know better I’d say the lass were hungover but I couldn’t imagine Mr. and Mrs. Baez tolerating their minor daughter drinking with small smirks.
“We told you not to stay up half the night binge-watching The West Wing,” Hector said then kissed his daughter on top of her ratty head.
“But it’s so good. Oh my god, Martin Sheen is gorge,” Louisa replied around a yawn.
“I like older men as well,” Julian tossed out as casually as if he were making a comment about the weather. Pierre gave me a catty look that I chose to ignore. If only I could ignore the heat growing in my belly.
“Yeah, we know. You’d marry Will Smith if you weren’t scared that Jada would whip your ass,” Lily said while placing her napkin to the table. My eyes flared.
“I have a thing for mature black men,” Julian confided as the elder Baez’s chattered away while they exited the dining room. Face hot I chose not to hear what had been said and followed Hector to a mudroom just off the expansive kitchen.
Love this scene. I adored the West Wing, too. And she’s right, Martin Sheen was a hottie. Acceptance and tolerance seem to be much easier for some than for others. Well done.
Oooh – I think Julian’s comments were hint of what he wants. I can’t wait to find out if he gets it. Great job!
Nice snippet!
So are you hinting at things to come? I’d venture a guess – yes! But done with such finesse. Great job!