It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Dump and Chase, Watkins Glen Gladiators #3, an M/M hockey romance, releasing October 2, 2023.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“Sure, we can find something for you to do on the ground. How do you feel about hammers?”
“If I had one I’d hammer all over this land,” I replied hoping for a chuckle. I got one, a hearty one that did stupid things to my belly. Stupid things that did not belong in my stomach. I
“Great, now I’ll be humming that song all day.” He motioned me to the stairs. “Why don’t we see if we can locate some hand tools for you?”
He touched my lower back in a totally friendly manner but it did something to my nervous system. I glanced to my side, his laughing eyes finding mine, and there was a jolt. Like, a tiny lightning bolt skipped over my flesh. His smile faltered somewhat. Did he feel the jolt too? Had that been God giving me a warning flash to stop flirting with the clergyman? Had I been flirting? Maybe. Okay, sure, just a little. There was the hammer joke which wasn’t normally my kind of pick-up banter. I was smoother than that. Hardware and construction talk didn’t really feel sexy to me.
“So, uhm…” Gabe said, his cheeks glowing a soft pink. “This way to the hammers.”
His fingers ghosted away. Shame. I was enjoying the pressure of his hand on my spine.
We came to the doorway. Both of us tried to go through at the same time. I bounced off his shoulder, my height putting the top of his arm into the middle of my bicep. We both chortled nervously. I moved to the side just as he did the same. Then we both stepped forward again, colliding once more.
“Who knew walking through a door was so hard?” I asked, hoping to not sound as stupid as I looked right now.
“Good thing I took that basics to walking through a door class at Lancaster Bible College,” he quipped, and the awkward moment passed.
©Copyright V.L. Locey 2023
Love this scene and now I’ll be humming that song all day! Great job.
Great job with their nervousness. Love the wording of his fingers ghosted away.
How many times have I done that, colliding with someone in a doorway? Many. And your description fits the feeling to a tee. I also like the fingers ghosting away — very evocative. Great scene. I can feel the sexual tension building.
Been there, done that with the door! Very realistic.
This is a great scene between the two. I love the way they interact and am curious about what happens next!
I love their banter! They are adorable and awkward all at the same time. Great job!