It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Today we have a snippet from Reserved, A Tales of Bryant Novella. This is one of two books that I’ll be working on in November. The other one is a secret project that I think everyone will be thrilled about once we release the news! Today’s word prompt is “Howl” and in this snippet our two leading men meet for the first time.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“Did you lose something, Sir?”
I yelped and spun, hand to my throat, and found myself looking down into the face of an incredibly handsome New York City police officer. He was shorter than I but most people were as I was a hair shy of six foot seven. He was perhaps an inch or two below six foot. His eyes were the color of a chocolate opal and his skin walnut. He was a stocky man, broad-shouldered and thick necked. I felt flighty and overheated all at once.
“You sneaky Pete,” I gasped, working to collect myself as my dog howled and danced on his teensy back feet for attention. Bending over so that I could read his name tag and badge number – 71480 was his shield number and his name was Galen Ellison – I gave him a coy smile. “I suppose I should say you sneaky Galen.” He gave me a brilliant smile. I felt a swoon coming. The man was stunning in his dark blue uniform and winter jacket, that snappy peaked hat perched on his closely cropped head, and a thick belt around his waist that held his weapon along with some keys, a radio, pepper spray, a flashlight, handcuffs, a baton, and what was possibly a taser. Men in uniform had always turned my crank, and men of color in uniform cranked that handle with gusto. “I’ve not lost a thing. I’m an event planner, Adrian Pontimore of Quintessentially Adrian Event Designs out of Manhattan,” I said, offering him my fingers while dropping into a cute little curtsy.
I saw what looked like lust skitter over his face, just for a moment. Then he captured my fingertips and bowed over them gallantly. My heart flew about inside my chest like a wild bird struggling to break free.
“Officer Galen Ellison, 78th Precinct, and the pleasure is all mine Mr. Pontimore.” He held onto my fingers for much longer than a straight man would. My joy knew no bounds. “So may I ask why you’ve been circling this area for the past twenty-five minutes?”
“You’ve been watching me have you?” I tease/flirted, batting my lashes as I slid my fingers from his. His eyes sparkled. My tummy tripped over itself. “Well, I am rather majestic. Men are drawn to my statuesque form.”
“This one certainly was.”
The swoon was imminent.
Copyright 2019 ©by V.L. Locey
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Very swoon worthy!
Wow! Hot snippet!
I love Adrian’s flirting and his reaction to the officer’s reaction. Great job!
Great beginning! Love the chocolate opal eye color.
What a start. I love Adrian.
good job!
Off to a great steamy start!