It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must reflect the chosen image. Today’s post is from The World According to Liam. Our picture prompt posts have to reflect the chosen image and can be no longer than 300 words.
Do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“Well done on the train,” I said to Bryn as Liam bounced up and down, his eyes round as dinner plates, when the sleek bullet train slowed then stopped.
“Thank you. I felt that we’d be tired of being crammed into planes. This will give you and Liam a chance to see the countryside. My parents will pick us up at the station in Bamberg. It will be a short ride then we’ll be home and you two can rest for a few weeks.”
“I cannot wait to kick back for a day or two. I’m bushed,” I confessed. Liam, of course, was far from bushed. He was talking up everyone who would look his way. His mouth going non-stop even as we took our seats. The train was super clean and modern with high-backed plush seats, small tables for laptops, and tiny viewing screens like on the planes for watching movies or television. Since it was such a long ride, close to twenty-four hours, Bryn and I would switch taking turns sitting with Liam.
“Does this train have a loud horn?” Liam asked as I fiddled with his car seat.
“Probably,” I said, tipping my head to listen to the announcements then realizing that they were in Norwegian which I didn’t speak. Unless you counted knowing two words – baderom for bathroom and takk skal du ha which is thank you…I think – both horribly butchered according to Aksel and Bryn. “Now, before we buckle you in. Do you have to go to the bathroom?”
“Do they have a poop closet on the train like they do on the planes?!”
“Probably. So, do you have to go? Yes or no?”
“No.” A second passed. He contemplated. “No.”
“Are you sure?”
Another moment to reflect on his bladder. “Yes.”
Aha. I knew it. Off we went to find the bathroom aka poop closet.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2020 ©by V.L. Locey
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Love it. Traveling with children is so much fun. Having been to Norway, since our son lives there, it is a beautiful country, the people super friendly, and best of all, nearly everyone speaks English as a second language. In Oslo, all public announcements were in Norwegian and English. You can get by without Norwegian quite easily even in the smaller places we visited. So looking forward to going again when the pandemic is over.
Love this so much! And it sounds sooo familiar. LOL. Great snippet. Love LIam, he’s a bundle of curiosity and fun.
Liam is so adorable! I love his debate about using the bathroom. I still have that one with my grown children! And I love the description of the train. Great job!
Cute! As a mother of boys, I can relate. it seems they always had to check out the bathroom no matter where we went. LOL! And I love a train trip. Love the snippet.