It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week, and all posts must reflect the chosen image. Our picture prompt posts have to reflect the chosen image and can be no longer than 300 words.
Do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
The kisses grew gentler from then, softer, tender. His caresses were ticklish along my face and shoulders as we rolled across the bed, touching, tasting, mapping out each other’s bodies. Hours may have passed. I didn’t know and I didn’t care.
“We are getting zero canisters washed for tomorrow,” he said some time later as I lay beside him, my head on his arm, my fingertips tracing the flower on his pectoral.
“Yeah, I know.” I didn’t stir and neither did he. “We’ll get to them.”
“Uh-huh.” He yawned widely. I did the same.
We woke up two hours later, dicks hard, inquisitive hands already in motion. We rubbed against each other like teenagers, blowing our respective loads all over our bellies, and giggling at the utter mess we’d made of ourselves. A long, hot shower together later we were, finally, warmly dressed – my clothes were in the tiny dryer in the corner of the kitchen tumbling quietly – and at the sink washing all the sticky off of maple syrup cans and bottles.
When they were all squeaky clean and sitting on dish towels to dry we made a fast meal out of some of the amazing leftovers in his fridge. Spaghetti and meatballs with Marge’s zesty pepperoni sauce fried up in a sizzling frying pan. We kept touching one another, stopping our cooking or eating or cleaning up to hug, kiss, or caress. Like we couldn’t get enough of each other. I know it had been a long time for me since I’d gotten laid, but this need to be near him was not just about sex. It was way beyond that. It was love, or what I had to assume was love, blossoming like the lilacs just outside the front door.
He asked me to stay the night. I couldn’t have said no even if I had wanted to, which I didn’t.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2022 ©by V.L. Locey
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Great scene,
What a warm, lovely, sensual and loving scene! it’s beautiful. And I love the way you incorporated the lilacs into the scene. Great pairing. Looking forward to reading more about these two.
I love how warm and sensual this scene was. It makes me want a lazy day in bed so bad. Great job!
Blossoming like the lilacs– love that!
blossoming like the lilacs just outside the front door. — I love that phrase you used, incorporating the word prompt into a steamy scene. Well done!
Great snippet this week