It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Dump and Chase, Watkins Glen Gladiators #3, an M/M hockey romance, releasing October 2, 2023.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“So, that’s you I take it?” Gabe asked, pointing up at the black, gold, and red jersey tacked to the wall. “Number twenty-four.” I nodded as the waiter handed us menus. “Is there some relevance to that number? Like some players choose numbers for their birthdays, or important dates in their lives.”
I scanned the menu but already knew what I was getting. The fish sandwich with fries. I did love me a fish sandwich.
“It’s my mother’s birthday. February fourth,” I replied then asked for a glass of an American brown ale from a small local brewery.
“I’ll just have a birch beer,” Gabe said, his sight darting from his menu to me. “It’s fine. Go ahead and enjoy an ale with your food.”
The server hustled to the bar. The pub was packed. The crack of a bat from a TV nearby floated past as did the clink of silvery utensils and patrons talking.
“I don’t drink a lot,” I said as soon as we were alone.
“Deandre, this isn’t confession. It’s a dinner date. And one beer does not a problem make. Obviously, you need to keep in top shape so I didn’t think you hit the beer too hard.”
“But you don’t drink. I’ll keep that in mind for the next time we go out,” I vowed.
“No, I don’t but that’s not because I don’t enjoy beer. I’ve had a few glasses in my time but since I was given a post in the church I abstain. There are some passages that state that church elders should be blameless and not given to wine so…” He shrugged. “Imagine someone calling me for counseling and I couldn’t go to them because I was tipsy.”
©Copyright V.L. Locey 2023
This made me laugh since I’ve known a lot of clerics who do indeed drink freely. Great scene.
Wonderful scene! I could see it so clearly. ❤️
Great snippet! He has a good point, but it would be exhausting to constantly be on call.
I’m enjoying seeing them get closer and starting to feel each other out.
Great scene.
I always thought the one vice the clergy allowed themselves was alcohol — wine especially. Guess it’s hard when you’ve given up everything else. This story is getting VERY interesting. How does he figure in being gay to his job in the clergy? Is that okay? I don’t hear too many men in the clergy sticking for gay people. Or is that just me? So I’m intrigued to know where this story is going. I hope he doesn’t let religion frowning on anything out of the “mainstream” stop him from living his life and looking for love. Looking forward to more.
I love their honest conversation with each other and the amazing description of the scene. Great job!