Cue the Dancing Lemurs!
Hey all! Welcome back to the blog. I hope everyone is doing well and are either on a wait list or have already gotten one/two of their Covid -19 vaccines. Since these posts are about trying to live a healthier life being vaccinated is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves to stay healthy. Now more than ever it’s super critical to get that vaccine so we can beat this nasty virus into submission. I have my first round scheduled for this Tuesday and am super excited. Maybe soon I’ll be able to hug my daughter and dote on the great nephews I’ve not seen for over a year!
Okay, so now that I’m done prattling on about vaccines let’s talk about weight loss and lemurs. What on earth do those two things have in common you may be asking yourself. Quite a lot and not much at all to be honest. We’ll touch on that later but it’s time for me to keep it real as the young kids say. I’ve lost 5 pounds since last months weigh in which brings me to a total of 60 pounds gone since August and 87 in total. I’ve been having a small tussle with two scales – I’ll talk about scales next month – but even with a ten pound disparity the loss is the same. I’m so glad to see some progress again and have to credit it this month’s topic. And now we’ll get to the lemurs I promise.
How did I ramp up the weight loss? Exercise.
I know, I know, it’s a dirty word. Trust me I know. I have never been a fan of exercise. I’m not the least bit athletic. It was always Vicki who got pummeled in dodge ball or volleyball back in gym class. Oh, the stories I could tell about gym class. All of them horror stories. Now obviously I’m not going to say that I’ve grown to love sweating it out. That would be a lie. What I have learned is to like it. A little. It will never be my favorite thing in the world but adding a brisk walk to my weekly routine is helping to slowly peel some pounds off. As you’ll see in the image below of my “You Got to Move It!” (and now the lemur thing makes sense huh? If not check out the movie Madagascar and it will all click) calendar I’m not hitting it every day.
Now the code here is simple. T is for treadmill (one of the best investments I’ve ever made) walks. I don’t run. Never. My boobs are too big and unless a beastie that will eat me is chasing me then I see no need to run. Others love it and that’s fab and groovy. Vicki does not run. I do jalk (jog/walk) though on occasion.
So T is treadmill, C is cardio (20 minutes of dancing) and Y is yoga which is usually a 45-50 minute practice. M is meditation/mindfulness which I do as often as I can. I told you I was big on the M word! This has been my winter routine for a couple of months now and I am seeing results after that big plateau I was stuck in for weeks back in February. With spring right around the corner I’m praying for nice weather so I can walk with Hubster and our dog, Maisy.
As you can see you don’t have to spend hours working out – unless you want to which is awesome – but you can add movement to your day. Try adding an extra 500 steps per day and see how that feels. If it’s all good, add another 500 hundred. If you don’t have a FitBit or a pedometer think about getting one if you can afford it. They really do help when you’re keying in on steps taken. Of course before you do any kind of exercise program you should consult with your doctor. We do not want injuries to occur!
At the moment I’ve worked myself up to a mile and a half on the treadmill 3 or 4 times a week. Our local Pride group is sponsoring a 5 K color run in June that I am hoping to participate in. For me it will be a 5K walk as Vicki does not run. Boobs and all. I’m gradually adding laps to my walk in the hopes of being over 3 miles come June. It’s a challenge for sure but I feel good about it so far!
No matter how you do it moving is one large aspect of shedding and keeping weight off. As much as it stinks it does help. It’s one part of a larger plan with lots of seen and unseen benefits. So if you’re stuck in your weight loss try tossing in a bit of exercise and see if that doesn’t jumpstart your system. There’s really no downside!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s post. I’ll be back again in April. Join me if you can!
Keep it up. You got this. We got this!
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