Three ~ Ian
How could he please me?
Simply standing there being so incredibly beautiful was a great start. Opal made the questionable décor of this suite fade into nothingness. I took a step closer, stopped, shoved my too big hands into my pants pocket, and gave him a reedy smile.
“I’m Ian, and my best friend Butch is here with me. I apologize for my outburst before you left. I didn’t realize there were paddles and a well-thought out gentlemanly way of doing this. My enthusiasm got the better of me.” His gaze skimmed over me, shiny shoes to my rather stern hair. He seemed pleased with my appearance but he could just be well-schooled. “That man in charge, Kennedy, he assured us that all of his…” I stumbled over the word.
“Gems, you can call us that,” he softly said but his permission didn’t make the terminology any more palatable.
“He assured us that all of his employees were over eighteen and here of their own free will. Is that true?” His kohl-rimmed eyes widened in surprise, as if he’d never heard that question before. He bobbed his head in an affirmative. “Could you speak that reply?”
“Yes, I’m over eighteen and here of my own free will. Would you like a drink of water?” He waved a petite hand at a tacky changing screen. “We don’t allow customers to have alcohol or drugs of any kind in the suites.”
“No, I’m good.” I couldn’t stop staring at him. “You’re the most beautiful man I have ever seen,” I said then instantly regretted it as his eyes dulled a bit. Yes, he had heard that many times I was sure. Nightly. “What’s your name?”
“Opal,” he replied softly, reaching down to untie the wide sash holding his robe closed. My mouth dried up and my cock, already hard for so long it was painful, kicked in my shorts.
“That’s the name your mother gave you?” I asked because I was the stupidest of the smart men in this miserable town. He turned from me, giving me his back, my question floating up the ceiling to join the smoke from the incense. Obviously, Opal was his stage name. “I’m not usually this moronic. Actually, I have a degree from MIT in aeronautics and astronautics with a great interest in satellite power and propulsion systems.”
The left sleeve of his robe slid down his arm in a graceful move that left me speechless.
“So…” he whispered as the robe slid off his arm baring the right side of his body to my hungry gaze. One firm pearly buttock grabbed my attention. My cock throbbed in time with my pulse. That orb was perfect. High, tight, small enough to fit into my hand. “…you’re telling me that you’re a rocket scientist?”
The left side of his robe slithered off his shoulder and puddled on the floor by his tiny feet. His backside was divine. Both cheeks were sheer perfection. His back was unmarred and smooth, his hips slender, his shoulders slightly wider than his slim waist. I longed to touch and taste every inch of him.
“Sort of, but not really. I really can’t seem to think with you standing there like that.”
He looked back over his shoulder, the coquettish move flaying any common sense I possessed.
“Would you prefer I put the robe back on?” His question was a tease, his smiling lips told me he knew my reply would be no. I shook my head. He turned to face me, and my oh-so intelligent mind went completely blank. “Or do you prefer me undressed?”
My eyes flew to his cock nestled among a neatly trimmed patch of black hair. He had a slim, long dick with lovely balls, one slightly lower than the other. I wet my lips, eager to take his semi-flaccid cock in my mouth and suck him until he was as hard as I was.
“Water would be nice,” I coughed out. He blinked at my request, smiled a bit, and then disappeared behind the screen, returning with a plastic bottle of spring water that he brought to me, gazes locked. He was close now, so close I could smell the warm jasmine scent of him, so close I could see the flecks of a deeper brown among the soft chocolate color of his irises, so close that I could feel his body heat. “Thank you.”
He moved around me, reaching out to draw a hand over my arm then circling around to my back as he passed. I cracked the plastic ring and drank down the bottle as if I’d just come in from a ride across the Sahara on camelback. His fingers glided over my lower back, just an inch above my ass. Then they were gone. I turned to find him bending over the bed, his ass and balls on display as he lifted what looked like a small menu from among the throw pillows.
“Read over this list of desires and tell me what yours will be,” he said then returned to where I was glued to the floor, clutching an empty water bottle. “Do not ask for anything not on the list because this is what I am willing to do to please you. If your kink is not listed, please step out into the corridor and one of the security men will escort you to Kennedy who will refund your money or see if he can arrange a new gem for your enjoyment tomorrow night.”
“I don’t need this,” I said, pushing the menu back at him. “I’m happy to just talk to you.”
One slim dark eyebrow danced up his smooth brow. “You didn’t pay for talk. You paid for me, for a night inside me, right?” I swallowed down my lust. “Yeah, I see that you want to fuck me, so why don’t we move to the bed. I want to take your clothes off and suck your balls. Would you like me to do that?”
God above and all the wee saints, as my Da would say, yes I wanted him to do that. I wanted him to suck me until I blew wads down his throat. I wanted him to lay on his belly and give me his ass to feast on. I wanted to fuck him hard and long, pet his glittery skin and rub my hands over his sleek sides, I wanted to remove that hair comb…
And so I did. His lips pulled up into a knowing smile and he shook the flowing black mass free. It slid over his shoulders, dangling to nearly his waist. All that grand stuff about just talking went up in smoke. I had to touch him, feel his hair, taste his mouth and tight little hole, claim him as mine at least for one night.
“Come here,” I whispered. He stepped into me and I was swept up into a cloud of slim male flesh and jasmine. “I have to touch you…”
Cripes woman…lol
*smiles innocently*
You’re stopping….there?!?!?! 😧🤷♀️🤷♀️😳😳😳
I’m terribly wicked, aren’t I? 😉