It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Spiritual Whispers, an upcoming PNR gay romance that I’m currently working on for release next year around Halloween.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“I think Carmichael and I are men cut from the same sort of cloth,” Eason said while running his hand over Deuce’s back. The cat purred on. “We obviously have the same eye for beauty.”
I felt my cheeks heat. “Thank you. You’re beautiful too.”
He leaned over the cat to steal a kiss. Static hissed and spat from the Atwater-Kent’s speakers. Nothing in the room flew at Eason’s head. I took that as a good sign.
“I think you’re an amazing young man. I love you madly, you know that yeah?” He cupped my face. My eyes closed and I turned my nose into his palm. Breathing in the soft manly smell of him was a glory and a rapture that I’d never experienced in any of my father’s sermons.
I bobbed my head. “Yeah, I know that. I…I love you too.” I kissed his palm then slowly glanced at the radio. “And I still love you as well, Carmichael. You taught me so much. Gave me a home, a livelihood, books and bow ties. I’m not sure I could ever let you go.”
The airwaves danced with crackling white noise. There was no answer for several minutes. I exchanged a worried look with Eason then unwrapped my arms from around my legs and padded to the radio. I fiddled with the dial, seeking out a stronger static signal but I couldn’t find Carmichael.
“Maybe he got tired?” Eason asked after what felt like eighteen or so years crept past.
“Perhaps.” I sighed, turned off the radio, and walked over to him. He smiled up at me, his hand resting on Deuce’s back. “I’m sorry I kept that all secret. It’s such a hard story to tell.”
“I know, Tally. Let’s get our asses to bed. I’m more than a little tired. Learning that there’s a bunch of undead folks just chilling around us has taxed my poor brain cells.”
“It’s a bit to take in. You handled it graciously.” I helped him stand although he had no need of my assistance.
“Right. It’s so graceful to scream, take a header down the stairs, and shit your pants all at once. Yep, I’m Princess Grace alright.” I snorted, the sound lodging right in my plugged sinus cavities. “You look rough. Let’s cuddle up close and call it done and over.”
“Will you be here in the morning?” I asked as we made our way to the cluttered bedroom that I’d shared with another man for years.
He gimped his way to me, pulled me close, and tucked my head under his chin. “Just try to get me to go,” he murmured into then kissed my hair.
No, I didn’t think I’d be trying to make him go any time soon.
Love the sweet affection in this snippet. And the alluding to ghosts. Sweet with scary in the background. Great job!
Sweet passage with fascinating dialogue!
Well done! Greta scene.
Aww sweet. So gentle and nice. And yay for another TT with ghosts.
I love everything about that excerpt. I love that they waited to hear from Carmichael in the static. That totally intrigued me. Great job!
Awwww! You can feel their affection for each other! Love this storyline!