One Year Later
Paris, France
They say that Paris is the city of love and romance. The couple times I’d been here previously, I’d not seen why they, whoever they were, had said that. The past several months spent here with Caliste showed me why. Perhaps it was I’d not been besotted with someone when I’d been here before, or maybe it was the fact that those trips had been business. More than likely, though, it was because Caliste hadn’t been here, and his love light made Paris that much more romantic.
I sniggered and got a look from Caliste as he eased out of his sexy white robe. “What are you giggling about, Chere?”
My eyes roamed over him. Like a man starved, I drank in his naked form, my cock plumping up as my gaze moved over his long, lithe body.
“I was thinking about being romantic,” I said, lifting the duvet and sheet so he could slip in beside me. “Imagine, me, a Southie with all the social graces of a feral mutt, thinking about romance.”
“You’re perfectly romantic,” he replied as he lifted the small jar of burn cream from his lighted makeup mirror and padded softly to our bed. His dick was stiff too, a sight that made my mouth water. Fuck the fact that I could look out the window and see the Eiffel Tower from our window. Nothing made of iron and rivets could match the beauty of the man I loved. “Didn’t you send me two dozen white roses last week when my show opened?”
I nodded and blushed. Butch Hurler. Blushing. Go fucking figure. Being soft and cuddly and romantic was new for me. Even Ian had commented on my softer nature at the premiere of Caliste’s new cabaret show, Journal du Rubon Rose, or the Pink Ribbon Diary, as I understood the translations. It was a bouncy little show about crossdressers, or X-dressers, as my husband preferred to be called, over the past hundred years. Caliste wore fancy gowns and dresses, sang sad songs in French, and garnered all kinds of praise, along with the rest of the cast.
“Yeah, I did,” I admitted, giving him my scarred arm. He gently held it in one hand, tucked his legs under his ass, and tenderly worked the scar cream into my puckered flesh. I wasn’t sure it was doing much, but he swore by it. Knowing that I’d get to rub some into his hip and thigh in a few minutes eased the itch. “That feels good, baby.”
“Mmhmm, I know.” He worked the thick white cream into my skin, the only physical scars that I carried from the Gems fire. There were plenty of mental ones. Like the nightmare that popped up out of nowhere where I watched Carlotta Bianchi get buried alive under flaming debris. Her screams woke me up on occasion, and Caliste would soothe me. Just as I did when his nightmares of being held prisoner in a gilded cage woke him. We were a fine pair. “They are looking better.”
I smiled, relaxed as an old cat in a sunny window, even though it was late at night and raining. “If you say so.”
“Well, I do,” he countered playfully before handing me the tub and stretching out on the bed, his scarred hip facing the ceiling. I rolled to my side, captured his mouth, and then began working a dollop of creamy white lilac-scented cream into his beautiful Black skin. As they usually did, my slippery fingers strayed, moving over a high, firm buttock to find his tight little hole. He moaned softly, his hips moving sinfully as I toyed with his hole while licking a path to a hard, ebony nipple. I sucked the turgid nub as my finger slipped inside him. He placed his leg on my hip, the head of his prick leaking all over my belly, then arched. My fingers went deeper.
“I want you,” I whispered around his nipple.
“Then take me,” he replied on a shaky exhalation. He didn’t have to ask twice. I gathered up more cream, worked it up into him with three rough fingers, opening him up. “Ah, now, hurry, now, I am so close…”
I rubbed his prostate one more time, groaning at the mewl that escaped him, and then slathered my cock with scar cream. My dick would be so soft and smooth after this. Caliste rolled to his belly, his chest and pelvis flat to the bed, then pulled one fine limb up to bare his ass. I climbed over him, sat on his thigh, and placed his leg on my shoulder.
With a grunt of pure pleasure, I pushed inside. “Damn, you’re hot and tight,” I panted, easing myself deeper until he had every last millimeter of me buried in him. “You okay? I’m not too heavy on your…ah, fuck! Do that again.”
He squeezed tightly around my dick. My hips began moving, like a piston, as he writhed and wiggled around, giving me more access to his ass while he found his cock pinned under him.
“Never pain, darling, only pleasure! Harder now, deeper, come deep inside me.” He reached back and dragged his long nails over my chest. My cock kicked, my balls drew up, and I pumped like a madman, my nuts gliding over the inside of his soft thigh. I yelped as my orgasm slammed into me. I drove deep, pleased to hear him moan and tremble as he blew apart beneath me. Eyes closed, I held him tight as I filled him with jet after jet of spunk. “Yes…shit…ah, yes…give me all of you.”
Once the tremors subsided, I kissed his satiny back, easing out of him with care. He scampered off to tidy up in the bathroom while I changed the bedding, then joined him. It took us several minutes to wash as we kept touching and kissing on each other. Once we slid back into our soft bed, he held his arms up and open for me, so I lowered myself down and spread over him like a quilt. Butch Hurler, the romantic quilt. Again, I snickered.
“Did you drink too much bubbly at the grand opening tonight?” He asked, his arms tightly around me as I settled into my favorite spot, half on and half off my spouse’s body. “You’re so giggly.”
“Must be. Did you know that I think of myself as a quilt?” I nuzzled his long neck, breathing the smell of him deeply into my lungs.
“I can see that,” he replied, his words soft rustles that floated over my ear. “A beautiful patchwork quilt, yes, that is you. Nothing quite matches, and some of the squares are frayed and a little worn, but nonetheless, you are strong and warm and so perfect to cocoon around oneself.”
I had to take a minute. “I love how you talk me up, baby.”
He pressed his lips to my brow. “You’re the reason I’m here. After all that happened…”
“Shh, now, no dwelling on the past. Looking forward now, only forward.”
“Mm, yes, of course. The future is so bright, and so filled with contentment. Je t’aime tellement.” He yawned, then slowly drifted off.
“I love you too, baby.” I lay there beside him, thinking back on the day. The rush from the small theater where Caliste’s cabaret show played across town to the new Gems, Gemmes here in France, a hot gay nightclub in the center of Paris. The grand opening had been incredible, and tomorrow morning I suspected we’d be on the lips of every queer person in Paris.
The decision to move to Europe had been an easy one. There was nothing in Illinois to keep us in the US. Ian was building a new plant in Senlis and had bought a quaint little estate not far from the French HQ of Blue Moon. He and Shin spent their time feeding chickens, sipping the local wines, and coming into Paris in a tiny red Citroën convertible circa 1960 something that Ian had gifted Shin on his twenty-first birthday. They were stupidly happy.
Shin and I were still listed as the owners of Gems, but I’d turned the daily running of things over to my partner and focused on security for Ian, where I was happiest. We did a lot of travelling, more than I liked, but business was business. Caliste understood, and when he was free, he came with us.
During our travels we liked to drop into the Southside Youth Rec Center that Caliste and I had funded after the fire. Built right where the old Gems had once stood, we’d taken a place that had once peddled the flesh of young men and turned it into a space where inner city youth could flourish. If I had to choose the best things I had ever done in my life, they would be opening my heart to Caliste, marrying Caliste along the Seine four months ago, and setting up that rec center. Ian and I had plans to open a LGBTQ youth center on the southside as well next year. Seeing those kids, who had been just like me when I was young, having a place to go instead of prowling the alleys like hungry mongrels made me weepy at times. Not that I let anyone other than my husband see the tears.
“Mm, your mind is whirling so loudly, it wakens me,” Caliste murmured, rolling to his side to stare at me with sleepy brown eyes. “Are you worried?”
“No, baby, not a worry in the world.” I placed my hand on his rough cheek. “Just thinking about things. How cool is it that Sterling is going to chip in for the LGBTQ youth center?”
“Ah, yes, that was so generous of him. It was so good to see him and Garnet,” he sleepily replied, his mouth too temptingly lush not to kiss a time or two. “So happy that they can visit us now.”
“Me, too.” I reached back to turn off the light. Rain pattered softly on the panes. My wired mind meandered again. Back to the states. With the Bianchi crime network lying in tatters, the few remaining rats had fled to Chicago. There was still crime in Colchester, of course, but the stranglehold organized crime had had on the city had turned to ashes along with Carlotta. The Marshalls and the Feds had rolled through city government, along with a few judges, like big fucking brooms. They’d swept shit clean. We had a new interim senator, new representatives, and the mayor was now a queer black woman with no time for bullshit. “Maybe someday they’ll feel safe enough to return to the mainland.”
“Sounds like they are quite content in their little slice of tropical paradise,” he replied, sliding a smooth leg between mine. I patted his ass.
“And what about you? Have you found your paradise?”
“Silly man, of course. I have a show, a flat in Paris, and you, my sweet darling.”
I kissed him long and deep and held him close. “You’re my heaven, too, baby.”
Guess paradise was where the other half of you could be found.
I had mine in my arms.
The End
While Gems may be wrapped up now there’s some news I have for you so don’t run off just yet!
I’ll be making Gems-Onyx available for download – for free – at my website within a week or two. After that, the entire Gems Collection will be available on Amazon as a KU exclusive. All four stories – Opal, Garnet, Diamond, and Onyx will be complied into one tidy set for only $0.99! I’ll let my readers know when that set goes live if you’d like to add it to your e-Reader.
And starting June 3rd a new serial will kick off! Fans of the Kalinski clan will want to make sure they’re subscribed to my newsletter if they want to get their hands on Black Tie, an Overtime Novella. Jackie Blue is getting married! *throws bird seed into the air* I’m sure this should be a one-of-a-kind wedding!
You will not want to miss a single issue so sign up now if you’ve not already. And as an added present for all the Kalinski aficionados out there I wrote a bonus prologue chapter starring Victor and Dan that will be part of a special collection available at the end of May. I’ll be sure to let everyone know where, when, and how to pick up this collection of shorts and bonus chapters. Thanks to RJ Scott for putting it all together!
Phew. So much news to pass along. And I didn’t even mention the newsletter serial that will come AFTER Jackie Blue is all married off. I think I’ll keep that to myself for a teensy bit longer. I’m such a tease. *winks*
Thanks so much for reading along with Gems. I hope everyone enjoyed the men of Gems as much as I did. I truly fell for each one as I was writing them. Did you have a favorite Gem? I’d love to hear if you did! Feel free to drop your comments below.
See you June 3rd when Black Tie, An Overtime Novella, begins exclusively for newsletter subscribers. Want to sign up? Just follow this link:
I loved all the Gems! If I had to choose probably Amber.
I can’t wait for more!