It’s certainly been a year like no other.
Generally we’d all be rushing to the mall to do our shopping, stopping into our favorite eateries to have a bite with friends, and planning our big family get-togethers. Due to Covid-19 a lot of that isn’t happening and a lot of people, myself included, are feeling the stress.
But there are ways to combat those feelings of being overwhelmed and I thought I’d pass along a few and ask others to add to the list so that we can all have a happy healthy holiday! And as an added bonus those of us who are plodding along through a weight loss journey might find a few tips to help keep our fingers out of the fudge dish. I did pretty well with my Noom lifestyle over Thanksgiving and am hoping to stay on track for Christmas. I’m currently at the midway point of my goal but man alive homemade fudge sure does sound good…
Healthy Holiday Hints
Drink lots of Water
Wash your hands frequently
Go easy on the alcohol
Practice portion control (especially with the fudge, Vicki Lynn)
Be smoke free
Eat lots of fruits and veggies
Manage your stress
Take a walk
Get your vaccines
Don’t drink and drive
Wear your mask when out in public
Read a book
Take a nap
Those are just a few suggestions. I’d love to hear yours!
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