Happy New Year!
It`s time for Tuesday Tales.

Today we have a snippet from The Good Green Earth, Colors of Love #3.
Our word prompt today is “Year”. This snippet takes us along in the story a bit, to where Nate and Bran have started seeing each other despite a very rocky start. Seems the heart truly does want what the heart wants…
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!

“Are all your parties this wild? As a man working on cleaning himself up I have to say I find the level of brownie giddiness appalling.” I tugged Bran into my side then kissed his scruffy cheek.
He sniggered and turned to kiss me back right there in his yard as the first round of firecrackers went off somewhere to our left. It was barely dark yet. I led Bran to the back steps and we sat there, hip to hip, as the night grew darker and louder. The dogs hid inside. June and Maggie followed them into the house and crashed on the couch. After an hour or so of sparklers and assorted noise, the rest of the guests left one or two at a time, until it was just me and Bran with the quiet yard to ourselves.
“Last year I went to the Chiefs game. They do this huge fireworks display afterward. I’d slogged back quite a few beers that night, like, nothing crazy but five or six during the ball game. Went out to the parking lot and fell into some chicks car. She took me home…” I kind of let the story die because it was just another tale of bad choices.
“And this summer you’re sitting here with me staring at the stars and wondering why in hell you’re dating such an old, boring man,” Bran said, his try at levity falling flat.
“I think I’d rather be here.” I slid my arm around his waist and turned into him, our mouths meeting gently. The kiss was hot and wet. “Want to go inside?”
“No. I just… no, I can’t. My aunt’s in there and she might hear us.” He blurted that out then got to his feet. There was no light out here, aside from the dim yellow bug light by the sliding doors, so reading his expression was impossible.
“Okay, it’s cool, I get that,” I said then stood. “Take me home would you? My ride is kind of sleeping off a brownie high.”
“Sure yes, of course.”
We rode to my place, a cloud of unease filling the cab of the Apache. Bran parked in my guest slot next to my recently returned car. I patted the fender of my Mustang then turned to Bran at my left. The parking lights were bright and a thousand moths beat themselves against the globes.
“Thanks for the ride home. I’m doing Pony stuff tomorrow, and then my class and group so I won’t see you until the following day. I had fun tonight.” That was a lie but it wasn’t his fault. “Great food and the floor show rocked.” He nodded, looked at me, glanced down, nodded again, coughed, and shifted from one foot to the other four times. “Something you want to say?”
Probably he’d come to the realization that I did not fit into his life, his home, his family or his friends and was trying to come up with a nice way to—
“Can I come up?”
Copyright 2018 ©by V.L. Locey
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Great snippet. Well done.
Yes you can come up!
Oops sorry…need to let him answer I suppose…lol
Wow! Love that surprise last line! Just as he thinks things are over, blam! Bran wants to go upstairs. I love how this is going. Fits and starts, forward, stalling — so much like real life. Well done.
Great week’s work. I love the want to come up line.
Great scene! Interactions so true to life.
I love that last line coming out of the blue. And I love the depth of their character coming out in it. Great job!
Nice surprise ending!