It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Today we have a snippet from ‘Fade In – A Tales of Bryant Romance’, one of my two current MM romance projects. Our word prompt today is “Evil” and in this week’s snippet Devon has a chat with everyone’s favorite party planner, Adrian Pontimore.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
I grabbed a flute of rosé champagne from the platter of a passing server. It made my nose ticklish. I burped behind my hand after emptying it, then slowly began knocking them back, one flute of bubbly after another. I curbed the rush of drunkenness with a plate of lobster cakes, fancy deviled eggs, dips, and designer chips. Then I spied a whole table of personal shrimp cocktails and tiny sushi rolls and was on my way to gorge on those treats when someone sidled up beside me.
“Oh my goodness, have you had any of the shrimp? Are they chilled enough? I swear this serving crew I hired is beyond slow. It’s akin to having sloths doling out drinks and finger sandwiches!” I blinked at Adrian, wondering where he had come from. How had I missed a man that tall in a bright red satin suit with a matching scarlet top hat. Maybe I’d had too much to drink. That had to be it. Champagne blindness had set in. I should probably stop drinking the evil bubbly now before I did something monumentally life altering as I’d done on the last Dom Perignon overindulgence. He leaned down to study me from behind his lorgnette. I blinked and chewed. “So, is it chilled enough or do I have to go back into the kitchen and put a size fourteen alligator boot into several lazy backsides?”
I glanced down at his feet because…size fourteen. Yeah, huge feet clad in black and red alligator boots. Wow.
“They’re chilled,” I coughed out. “Is this your party?” I glanced upward and saw his pleased nod. He really was a handsome sort in an old European vampire sort of way. His face was sharp regal angles. He certainly had the look and carriage of duke or a czar, and maybe even the wardrobe as well.
“Yes, it’s mine. Polly has added my name to her top three party planners and my phone has been tingling steadily all night! I have several new weddings to set up in Bryant Park as well thanks to Brian Gilles spreading my name around as his wedding planner. I’m literally vibrating with excitement. Touch me.” He held out a hand with long, pale fingers that had softly buffed nails. I placed my hand on top of his and felt the trembles racing through him.
“I’m happy that things are going so well. I’d recommend you if I had any friends who could afford you.”
He patted my hand resting on his with his gold lorgnette. “Ah puppy, you have the ear of the hottest producer in Manhattan, why must you play so coy? Oops! Speak of the devil. My stars you don’t let this little poodle out of your sight for long, do you?” Adrian teased Caiden as my lover appeared from behind a large woman in a flowing orange dress. “Please tell me you’re happy with the party?”
Copyright 2019 ©by V.L. Locey
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Ugh! Stopping THERE….😉
The description of the party planner had me laughing out loud. Great scene.
Enjoyable scene. Loved the champagne blindness!
Great party scene! And what a character Adrian is!! Funny, charming and gave me a taste for shrimp cocktail!
Your descriptions are so incredible, I can actually visualize Adrian. Great job!
I laughed at the size fourteen comment. And I loved the beginning as the food/champagne was described. I can’t drink champagne as it doesn’t like me, so I enjoyed the virtual drink.