It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Today we have a snippet from Rebound, Overtime Trilogy #1, which is an upcoming trio of books that cover about fifteen years in the Arou-Kalinski men’s lives. In this first book we get Victor’s point-of-view about the ups and downs taking place in his life.
Our word prompt today is “Grassy” and this week Vic returns home to find an old friend awaiting his arrival.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
And it all ran according to my timetable until I hit Cayuga. The first snag in my well-orchestrated plans was a big redhead in a flipping kilt waiting for me at my front door. I rolled my eyes and exited my SUV, stalking up to the putz sitting on the stoop.
“What the ever-loving fuck, McGarrity?”
He pulled a six-pack of Coke out from behind his back then stood up. “Lila sent cookies too for Jack but I ate them all while I was waiting.”
“You’re a fucking moron,” I replied but smiled as the words tumbled out. Mario was alright, one of the few men that I considered a friend. “Come inside and we’ll have a quick drink.”
I unlocked the door and walked into my home. Our home. The small but tidy place that Dan and I had bought not all that long ago. The sadness of the past two days nearly overwhelmed me. Where was I going? What was I doing?
“You okay? You look like you seen a ghost,” Mario said, walking past me to the kitchen because he knew the way well. I slowly followed, running a hand over the back of the couch then taking a second to stare at the pictures on the wall and the drapes on the windows. Dan had picked them out when he was still on the new homeowner high. Man things had been so straight forward a couple of years ago. Guess we kind of knew life could change at any given moment. He was an athlete and could be called up at any time. But, as most of us do, we shelved that concern under ‘worry about that when it happens’ and moved on with the day to day. Well, when it happens is right now and I was in no way prepared for it.
“You got like four ice cubes.” Mario appeared beside me, shoved a glass of fizzy brown soda into my chest, and then pounded over to the sofa and dropped down onto it, purple and white kilt flaring out around him. “So I gave you three and I only took one because I’m not an asshole like you.”
“Right thanks.” I sat down in my recliner and took a belt of the good stuff. It wasn’t that sugar and caffeine free shit. It was top of the line blaze. Not that I burned a lot of dope now mind you but in my street days I had taken a toke or two. With Jack around we were pretty tight about things like grass or tobacco or booze.
“Okay, what exactly is wrong with you? I mean aside from the fact that you’re paler than usual. I just slapped you with a pretty good jibe and all you say is ‘thanks’?”
I blinked at Mario. “Fuck you, Rob Roy. There, that better?”
He shrugged. I lifted my left arm a few inches and bit back a groan. Not much better but there was a touch more mobility. I’d pop a few more Advil before I left Cayuga.
“You’re off your game. Vic, what’s going on? Me and Lila, hell all the guys are worried. They all wanted to be here to talk to you but I told them you’d rather have your balls banded then discuss shit with all those knuckleheads. But me? Well, you know me and we’ve been through it all, and we’re both gingers so that gives us a link the others lack.”
Copyright 2019 ©by V.L. Locey
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Its gonna work out fine Victor. Trust me.
Hope everything works out for him. Great scene.
Well done. Love the Rob Roy allusion!
Nice flash back to his past.