It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from The Chanteuse and the Bodyguard, Campo Royale #5, releasing in 2023.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
What a glorious creation ice cream is.
And men. Tall strong men with asses you can bounce a quarter off of and arms strong enough to lift you from your heels with ease.
“So did you want my help getting out of all that or not?” Keaton asked as I paraded around my room in my newest creation, a purple and yellow hanbok, the bodice and blue skirt decorated with silk butterflies that I’d handsewn to the garment. Eli and I had been whisked from the club after our final dress rehearsal by Keaton. He’d not been impressed at all with the seemingly open-door policy that the clubs security had in place. People and press were coming and going all day, marching into the dressing rooms to do interviews or just kiki with the queens. By the time our dinner hour had arrived, Keaton was ready to snap. Eli had been so upset by the rush out the back door – which had no locking bar and no person guarding it Keaton pointed out with a growl – that he’d slammed into his room to complain to Tyr via private chat.
“Mm, yes, please.” I made my way over to him, the half-gallon of mint chocolate chip in my hands. “Thanks for stopping at the corner mart to get snacks.”
Tension radiated off him. “You’re welcome.” I gave him my best smile. His eyes roamed over my face, touching on the thick makeup I was still wearing. Double false lashes, deep purple lipstick to match my costume, yellow and plum eyeshadow, and dark black liner that swept out to touch my hairline. “I’m going to have to speak to the owners of the club tomorrow. I cannot have unvetted people milling around backstage.”
“You can try but I’m thinking that they’re going to be pretty chill about it. Sure, they’ll have doormen but the backstage area is going to be madness. They want the press in there for the crush and the drama.”
Sounds about right with the owners wanting the press and all the rest of it. Publicity makes money for them. Excellent scene.
Great excerpt! Interesting tension going on. Ooh, the mint chocolate chip sounds good– haven’t had that in a while.
Love it! Of course he wants press back there to report on the excitement of the show. Publicity sells tickets. But I understand the performers wanting privacy. Nice slice of performers’ lives.
The stage makeup sounds delightful! And now I want mint choc chip ice cream. LOL
I love how protect Keaton is. And now I’m hungry for mint chocolate chip ice cream! Great job!