It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must reflect the chosen image. Today’s post is from my NaNoWriMo novella, Reserved.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
I nodded my head at faces of all colors. Galen had explained that there were several nationalities on this one block alone. There was a family from Mexico, one from Peru, another from Syria, some from Europe as well. There were white faces and black faces and tan faces. Everyone nodded at the smiling cop, his stately companion, and the tiny black Pom on a string.
Several of his neighbors stopped to chat. Many were out raking leaves or decorating for Halloween which was just a week away. Jack-o-lanterns sat on every step and paper ghosts danced from many a barren tree limb. The air was chilly and crisp. I clung to Galen tightly whenever we would stop to chat. Everyone seemed open and accepting of the queer policeman and his rather colorful walking companion. That made me quite happy.
When we finally were back home, my good mood was bubbling out of me. “What a glorious walk that was! Your neighbors are simply enchanting. We should have a party for our block sometime to thank them for being so accepting. I know I’m a bit much at times, but they’ve all been so welcoming, not at all off-putting. What do you think?” I asked as he removed my shawl for me and draped it over the bannister. Reaching up still pained me so he always aided me with my coats and wraps. Such a gentleman he was. “Nothing too elaborate. Perhaps a nice little buffet of trendy finger foods at a local eatery. Something with an autumnal feel that… Galen, are you put out with me?” I looked up from my boots which were damp and speckled with water from dewy grass. I’d need to dry them off with a soft towel before the water stained them. He stood there on the first step, his gaze even with mine, and stared at me. “Darling, is there something amiss?”
“You’re incredible, you know that right?” He captured my face between his big, rough hands and gently placed his lips to mine.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2019 ©by V.L. Locey
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I love the way you capture the blocks in the city. Yes, there are people from all countires, races, religions sharing the same block. And we do have block parties, at least on the upper West Side. Very atmospheric and sweet. Looking forward to reading more.
Ahhh, such sweetness. Loved the snippet.
Wonderful fall descriptions. I could see it all in my mind. Well done!
Wonderful imagery! I especially like this line: Jack-o-lanterns sat on every step and paper ghosts danced from many a barren tree limb.
Aww! I love that he goes on and on all excited and when he thinks Galen is mad at him he isn’t. He’s actually enamored! Great job!