Its time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must reflect the chosen image. Today’s post is from Draw, Overtime #3, and stars Jackie Blue Kalinski, Victor’s son who is now all grown up and in college. Our picture prompt posts have to reflect the chosen image and can be no longer than 300 words.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
The week dragged by and Bitchy Bicton was living up to her name.
She’d slapped me with a low B on my color theory project saying that I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone. Well, duh, I mean my comfort zone was my best work. I lived for red carpet designs, had dreamed of my gowns adorning the rich and famous since I was old enough to hold a crayon. Why would I work outside of what I loved the most? It made no sense, and yet she was always on me to step out of my zone, spread my wings, shock her. So, when we had to have our first sketches ready on Friday for her to approve for the spring runaway show in February, it stood to reason that the woman would zero in on my design with unbridled criticism.
“Jackie, why are you showing me a gown again?” She tapped the sketch of the pink chintz with her glasses, her gray eyes boring into me. The whole class was listening to our discussion, how could they not be? We each had a station and a sewing machine which were shoved tightly into this stuffy classroom. “Okay class, this is really the last straw.” Bicton took my design and walked to the front of the room, passing a wall of fabrics. I glowered at the back of her blonde head as she stormed to her desk then sat on the edge of it. “This here, this rigid refusal to expand your horizons as designers is going to be your downfall, all of you!”
She waved my drawing around. We all sat quietly beside our silent sewing machines.
“I know you all have your little preferred styles, but you must be able to look past urban street-wear or haute couture or ethnic or black tie. So, to end this baby-like need that you all have to cling to your security blankets, I’m going to assign you all a look that is outside your comfort zones. You’ll have two months to design and create your outfits. I will be the final judge of which of you will show your works here at school then accompany me to the Northeastern Junior Fashion Design Contest in April.”
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2020 ©by V.L. Locey
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How can you leave us there? I need to know what the assignment is!! Geez. What a cliffhanger. And I love evening wear. Tell Jackie his designs are okay by me!
Ooh! Well, I can’t wait to see what kind of challenge she establishes for the students!
Personally, I think designers have gone so far outside of the box, they’ve lost all sense of reality. A pink chintz dress sounds lovely, but I’m an old lady yearning for bygone days. Great post.
I had to laugh at your comment, Susanne. Designers do some weird stuff for sure. LOL
Enjoyed the post, Vicky. A fun premise.
What a rough way to be forced outside of a comfort zone! Poor thing. However, our worlds do get so much broader when we can move outside – even when its a forced move. Great snippet!
Ooh, part of me doesn’t like her and part of me believes she sees more in him. Great job!!