It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must reflect the chosen image. Today’s post is from The Christmas Pundit, Laurel Holidays #2. Our picture prompt posts have to reflect the chosen image and can be no longer than 300 words.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“…. said to him that there was no way he clumb all the way up to my property just to track no deer! You know what he said to me then, Mayor?”
“I’m assuming that he explained in a polite manner that he had indeed climbed up to your property to track the doe?” I replied, looking from one old farmer to the other, both men nearly indistinguishable from the other save for the wear and tear of their Carhartt work coats. Looked like Berger Mason had bought a new one in the past year whereas Carson Oats had worn his for years. Into the cow barn if the smell of manure wafting off him was any indication. Of course, the poop could be on their mucky boots as well. Seemed neither of the dairy farmers deemed a trip to city hall was worth changing out of their chore clothes. Mara, my executive assistant was sitting beside me taking notes of the impromptu meeting with a hankie over her nose. I had said during my acceptance speech on the night the results had come in that my office door would always be open to the good citizens of Cedarburg. I’d just assumed they’d scrape the cow shit off their boots before coming to the courthouse…
“That’s right Mr. Mayor, I said exactly that,” Berger replied, his big nose red with frustration. It tended to glow like a certain famous reindeer whenever he was upset. “I told him that my arrow nicked a branch and the shot was low. Then the doe bounded over the fence and I asked real polite like if I could track her. He got all belligerent and told me to haul my fat ass back down the ridge where it belonged. Then he called me an encroacher and a defiler of his scarecrow! Which is pure horseshit! I didn’t never touch that stupid scarecrow!”
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2020 ©by V.L. Locey
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Oh boy! Lol
Love the lingo! His nose glowing and defiling the scarecrow!! Hilarious snippet today. Wonderful!
Hahaha love these two and good for them at striding right into the mayor’s office in their chore clothes! Very colorful and lively piece.
You made me laugh. Great job!
The banter between the two farmers is incredible! I love the imagery you have of their appearance in city hall. Love it! Great job!
Cute! I giggled. Good job.
Too funny! I could smell the aroma from here. Great snippet!