It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must reflect the chosen image. Our picture prompt posts have to reflect the chosen image and can be no longer than 300 words.
Do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
“Mike, dude, chill. I know this job is important. I’d be happy to have lunch with him. What time and where?” I’d already met Dave Marks, the elder brother and straight half of the Marks Transmission – fifteen stores for your ease within the greater Pittsburgh area – team. Dylan had been shooting one of their commercials the day Dave had come in to talk websites. His younger brother was gay and out and quite the hawker of transmissions from what I’d seen of him on TV during Ravens games. They’d recently taken over another business that didn’t have a good rep among the gay community so they were looking to modernize the old websites. They’d been referred to us by Gary Gillick over at Gillick Trusses which had tickled our goolies to no end. We loved word of mouth recs.
Mike threw his arms around me and squeezed tight. I thumped him on the back and within ten minutes was out the door and on my way to Sampsonia Street. It was only a few blocks west so I hunkered down into my coat to face January head on. My cheeks were frozen by the time I reached Scarlet Four Café and Grill. It was a bouncy little eatery filled with smiling young servers and brightly painted circles on the walls and floors.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2021 ©by V.L. Locey
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I love the backstory in this excerpt. I feel like I’m right there getting caught up on what is happening. Great job!!
Excellent scene. He’s right; word of mouth recs are the best.
Love the set-up. Nice to know what’s going on and how we got here. And the connections of all the characters. And the steak, of course!
oOving the back story peek!
Great energy and detail here!