It’s time for Tuesday Tales!
Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must be 300 words or under and reflect the chosen image. Today we have a snippet from Rebound, the first book in my upcoming MM hockey Overtime trilogy. Since I’m near the end this will probably be the last excerpt from this book. Look for something new next week!
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
Brunch. What a quaint idea.
August and Sal had gone all sorts of out to welcome us to their home. And it was a nice one. Typical red-brick Boston townhouse situated in Charlestown. I liked the patio a lot and the kitchen was filled with new appliances. Sal enjoyed cooking so we sat down at a square table in a small dining area off the living room and feasted on some amazing food. Avocado toast topped with chipotle peppers and cilantro, omelets stuffed with black olives, red and yellow peppers, some sort of gooey cheese, and yet more avocado. Mango peach smoothies and strong coffee were the drinks and for dessert there were sopaipillas, which were tiny little pasty puffs served warm and coated with confectioners’ sugar and honey. Jack ate his weight in the little pastry puffs after wolfing down a large portion of his omelet.
“Nothing wrong with his appetite,” Sal commented with a smile, his long frame draped into a trendy kind of wooden chair. “My sisters eat that way as well. I used to be able to shovel it in but then I got old.”
August reached over to rub his fiancé’s belly. “I love your old body. Paunch and all.”
“I never used the word paunch,” Sal fired back playfully. If anyone was in tip-top shape it was Salvatore Castenada. Being HIV + he had to keep himself in good shape, eat well, and tend to his health with a keen eye. They shared a smooch. Aw, the fresh bloom of love.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Copyright 2019 ©by V.L. Locey
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Lovely scene. Like the paunch comment!
This is such a delightful, engaging scene. I enjoyed it very much.
Sal and August are so cute together! And I love the observation of Jack. Great job!
Love the description of the meal! And great line about the paunch.
Love the way you set the scene. Do I detect a bit of observation from your trip to Boston? Such a charming city. Love the food talk and the sweet banter between the lovers. I’m getting hungry!
I love the interactions between everyone. And the brunch – mmmm!