It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from Taking the Body, Watkins Glen Gladiators #4.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
Leaning my ass against the hot front fender of my car, I began subtly testing the waters to see if anyone was free to hang out.
Looked like Bean was headed to the new gym in town. Liam wasn’t quite in Watkins Glen yet. Him and Tarcy were racing at the Pocono Raceway tomorrow then they’d be coming to the Glen. Everyone else was still in faraway places. Basky was spending the summer in Jakarta with his sister and some extended family and Fossie was up in Winnipeg spending quality time at his camp way off in the woods. Doing what in the woods I couldn’t hazard to say. Communicating with moose? Making passes at them sexy Mounties in the red uniforms? Fishing, hunting, doing outdoorsy Fossie Canadian stuff. Being a city boy what I knew about the great outdoors was what I could eyeball while enjoying a chili dog on a bench in Weeping Beach Park.
After seeing Williams Wellness mentioned by our captain, I texted him to let him know I would join him for a workout. Maybe lifting weights would purge the horror of my reaction to Henry from my skull. Couldn’t hurt. I jumped in the car, licked my lips to wet them and picked up the taste of Henri on them. My eyes flared. Oh no. I was thinking of him as On-ree now.
Nope, no sir, no way Doris Day. He could not become Henri.
©Copyright V.L. Locey 2023
Love your description of an unsophisticated city boy wondering about the country life and refusing to give in to French.
I love his mental check off list for his teammates, especially the one flirting with Mounties in Canada. I feel his pain about being a city dweller not knowing what happens in the woods. Great job!
No way, Doris Day lol– great snippet!
Love it!!
Fun to read! Love the switch from Henry to Henri.