Sixteen ~ David
Two weeks later – Kyoto, Japan
Sadly, there were no cherry blossoms for Zach to enjoy in Kyoto.
There were a hundred thousand other things for him to delight in. It fascinated me how Japan was such a dichotomy. If we’d been in Tokyo, we’d have been partying in clubs with computer generated male strippers in cages. But in Kyoto, things were vastly different. While the city did have its share of nightclubs, we’d fallen into the less flamboyant diversions.
We’d visited golden temples thousands of years old, engaged in at least two dozen tea ceremonies – Pup loved the preparation and serving as well as the strong Zen Buddhist roots he was learning about – and spent a whole day wandering the trails at the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine. We’d visited the Kyoto Tower, dined along the Kamogawa River where we feasted on that hamo that Ian had suggested. Pup hadn’t cared for the strong tasting eel, but I enjoyed it. We’d spent some time at a monkey park where one of the creatures stole Zach’s Colchester Colts ballcap. We never did get it back. We visited huge markets and a manga museum.
Today, we’d climbed Mount Kurama and had soaked in hot springs surrounded by ancient trees and songbirds flitting from branch to branch. We then took a train back to Kyoto to our stunning four-star hotel. Later tonight, he was looking to head out, something we’d not done much at night since arriving due to our heads needing the serenity of tea ceremonies, meditating in shrines, and taking soaks in hot springs with monkeys watching. Tonight, he wanted to head to the Gion district and spend an hour or two with a Geisha. When I’d mentioned that modern Geisha’s didn’t hand out sexual favors, his face went red as currant wine.
But the evening with the ladies was later. Much later. Right now, my sub was seated on the floor, his bare ass resting on his heels, head down, my collar around his neck, waiting. He’d been sitting in that position for ten minutes as I walked around the room, setting things up for our first session – hell, our first sexual encounter – since we’d left Colchester behind. Neither of us had been up for anything sexual for the first week, and only today had he asked in that sweet, meek way of his if we could play tonight. Sitting in a hot spring surrounded by ten strangers and a few nosy monkeys, my cock stiffened at the mere mention of play. I’d scribbled out a short script on the train home while Zach napped beside me, his head on my shoulder.
I walked up and stood behind him, sliding my fingers into his hair. He sighed at my touch.
“Look at the city, Pup,” I said, lightly tugging on his hair. He lifted his head. The wide sliding doors gave us a beautiful view of Kyoto at night. A thousand lights flickered, and the Kyoto Tower stood brilliant and proud against the dark sky. “I think Japan likes you. Do you like it?”
“Yes, Sir, yes, so much! Thank you for bringing me here and keeping me safe.”
“Always. I will always keep you safe.” That was my vow to him, and I meant to keep it. If I had to run all over this fucking globe to ensure he was never harmed again, I would do it and gladly. “Are your legs sturdy?”
“Yes, I…I think so. Just tingly.”
“Good, walk over to the bed. Place your forearms and brow on the edge.”
“Yes, Sir.” He rushed to do my bidding. My dick throbbed. He was such a good sub, eager and awkward at times, but I found his enthusiasm to be endearing. Most of the time. I padded over, barefooted, and drew the thick drapes, blotting out the city we’d grown so fond of. I planned to bring him back yearly once all the shit at Gems was cleared up. So far, we’d only gotten one cryptic email from Shin saying everything was great, business was booming, and Jet said to say hello. On one hand, I wanted to rush back to help my friends, and perhaps throw some composted manure on my uncle’s grave, but on the other hand…
My Pup. I turned from the glass and shuddered in sheer delight seeing his tight little ass on display for me. Love and desire propelled me to him, making just a short stop to open the small case of toys we’d purchased on a short trip to the red-light district here in town.
He gasped when I touched his buttock with the fake fur attached to his new silver butt plug. It was a large thing, but he’d picked it out himself, and so I’d bought it for him. We’d brought nothing from home aside from his collar that he’d been wearing, sex toys being the furthest thing from our minds that day. I was happy we’d made it out safely yet felt terrible for leaving it all for others to deal with. My long talks with James every other night were paying off in fucking minuscule increments.
“You’ve been so good,” I told him as I rubbed the smooth end over his hole.
“Th…thank you, Sir.”
“Do you remember the script? What are your safe words?”
“Green go, yellow slow, red stop.”
I patted his balls. He twitched at the light slap. “Good boy. I know you love your puppy play so this is my gift to you. This is the only thing I’ll allow. This plug and your collar as you’ve earned them.”
“We don’t have our masks, Sir,” he whispered as I pushed on his entrance with the dry plug.
“No, we don’t. I…I think we can skip them. You and I, what we do here is special. You’re special. I trust you.” He sniffled a bit and I let him get himself together before we went any further. Once he was ready and his tears wiped clear, I lubed up the plug and began working it into him. He groaned loudly. I paused to give his channel time to stretch. Knowing the rules, he did not push back or demand more. Which got him a “good boy” and another few inches of slick silver up his ass. Soon the plug was all the way in. I stepped back, walked to the far side of the room, and sat down, feeing my cock after I was seated.
“Sir?” He asked, his head still on his forearms, his back glistening with a sheen of sweat. Getting that plug in had been work, the damn foolish boy. I’d told him it was too wide for his skinny ass. “Are you still here?”
“I’m here, I’m not going to leave you, Pup. Come to me. Hands and knees.”
He made a sound like a keen of pleasure, then slowly lowered himself to the floor. His face was a mask of pure delight Each movement making his tail swish and sway.
“Such a happy pup. Wag your tail. Hard. Oh, good boy.” I palmed my cock, working a droplet of precum down over the head. His eyes rolled back in his head as he swung his hips side to side midway to me. Fuck, but the boy was magnificent. I found myself jealous of that fucking fake fox tail. “Come here.” He hurried over, his knees making sparks on the carpeting, he was moving so fast. Once between my legs, he looked up at me, green eyes nearly ebony. “Suck my dick, slowly. Just the head. Then I want to fuck you. Right here over this chair.”
“But the script…” He said as he flicked the slit of my cockhead with his tongue. My ass rose from the chair and my fingers dug into the arms.
“The script is out the window, I want to be inside you, Pup.”
“Mm, yes, Sir, please and thank you.” He gobbled my cock down whole. I flicked his ear, getting a tiny yip that turned into soft gasp as he suckled only my cockhead. When he had me close, which was embarrassingly quickly, I eased him off.
“Stand up.” He jumped to his feet, his eyes begging me for something more. I petted his cheek. His eyelashes fluttered. “Bend over, grab the back of the chair, spread your legs wide, and do not touch your cock.”
“Yes…Sir,” he panted, showing me his ass with speed. I tugged on the plug, giving the faux fur a good pull, and it popped out. Zach moaned. I wasted no time. Taking my cock in hand, I rubbed it along the slick trail coating his ass and balls. Then I eased into him, pushing in with a slow, long thrust that embedded me completely and stole my breath. It had been years since I’d been this intimate with a man, and Zach rarely had clients penetrate him. Given that, and the fact that we’d been tested monthly at Gems and had found a clinic here in Japan to give us a quick test just two days ago, I felt confident that bareback was safe. I’d never do anything to harm my boy. Zach sighed, the sound that of a soul who’d just found Nirvana. “Oh Sir, I’ve dreamed of…this day. You inside me…so deep.”
Not knowing how to reply without simpering and ruining the mood, I rolled my hips, and we both groaned. It was a tender mating, despite the grunts and slapping balls. He whined and cried out with each thrust. I plowed my boy well, so well that his arms folded once, and the chair nearly fell over. We stopped only long enough for me to scoop him up and take him to the bed. There, he tumbled to his back and I fell on top of him, burying my dick in his ass then taking his ankles in hand. He stared up at me with devotion.
“I do love you, Pup,” I ground out, pumping madly. He linked his ankles behind my head. I took his cock in one hand, his balls in the other, and began stroking and squeezing as I rocked in and out of his hot, tight ass. He blew into a thousand bits in no time, coating his belly and my hand with spunk. I gave him three of my fingers to clean off. His pink tongue darting between my fingers to lap up his spend pushed me over. I filled him up and then some, cum leaking out of his ass as I drove home one final time. He trembled and cooed, then reached for me. I bent down over him, lost in the love in his eyes. His mouth brushed mine, his fingers clenching at the back of my neck. I kissed him long and hard, our bodies joined still.
“Love you, too. For so long. So happy now,” he sighed, his heart thumping, the pulse in his neck leaping as I mouthed my way down his body to lap up the cooling pearly droplets of his passion. “Sir, I love it here, I really do, but I think we should go back home soon to help the guys.”
“Pup, I don’t know. I want to keep you safe.” I lifted my head to look at him.
His sleepy eyes found me, the affection in his gaze ramping up my worry and concern. If it were up to me, we’d stay half a world away from Colchester and that bitch Carlotta Bianchi. And since I was the Dom…
“Sir, please, they need us. We’re brothers at Gems. A man doesn’t leave his brothers to face down evil by themselves, does he?”
“No, Pup, they don’t.” I sighed heavily, knowing he’d worked me just the way he always did. Perhaps I should have been mad about that, or even punished him, but I couldn’t find it in my heart to chasten him for wanting to do the right thing. “Okay, we’ll go back. But not for a few more days. We need this time for us. Plus, I’m greedy and want you all to myself for now.”
“Mm, now and always. Kiss me? Please?”
His body was a fine work of art, something to be cherished and never abused. Much like his adoring heart. So I tasted his lips and held him to me, shielding him from the hurts of the world the best that I could. Holding him as sleep took him, his breath a tickle on my nipple, I made a promise to myself that no matter what, his love would always be secure in my care. We both were now able to fly free and love openly, much like a blackbird at dawn.
The End
Coming January 7, 2021
The Final Story in the Gems World
The rise of Gems to the upper echelon of Midwestern escort services hasn’t been a smooth ride. The men of Gems have faced down hatred, bigotry, and a corrupt city government. Now, they’re going to have go toe-to-toe with the most powerful crime lord in Colchester. Which empire will be standing when the dust settles?
Onyx has always desired the finer things in life and those dreams have finally been fulfilled. His beauty, refinement, Southern charm, and flair for fashion has propelled him from being a poor boy from the bayou to one of the highest paid X-dressers in Gems history. He’s always turned heads, but now he’s finally caught the eye of one of his employers. He’s not quite sure how to handle the gruff, burly bulldog of a man, but he’s eager to figure it out.
Butch grew up in Colchester and is a true son of the city. His background is steeped in mystery and heartache. Growing up on those dirty streets has made him rough, gritty, and unpolished. Not at all the sort of man a refined thing like Onyx would ever entertain spending downtime with, let alone romancing. Not that he has time for courting a sophisticated beauty like Onyx amid the danger that’s about to engulf Gems and all who work there. They’re all going to be too busy just trying to survive…
Ok first off…I now want to sit in a hot springs with monkeys watching! Second…this chapter was wonderful and third…OMG! I am so excited about Butch and Onyx’s story!!!!!!!