For all the Gems fans out there here it is! The final story of the Gems quadrilogy for your e-Reader. Keep a sharp eye out as I’ll be putting the entire series – Opal, Garnet, Diamond, and Onyx into a box set on Amazon for only $0.99 in the near future.

The rise of Gems to the upper echelon of Midwestern escort services hasn’t been a smooth ride. The men of Gems have faced down hatred, bigotry, and a corrupt city government. Now, they’re going to have go toe-to-toe with the most powerful crime lord in Colchester. Which empire will be standing when the dust settles?
Onyx has always desired the finer things in life and those dreams have finally been fulfilled. His beauty, refinement, Southern charm, and flair for fashion has propelled him from being a poor boy from the bayou to one of the highest paid X-dressers in Gems history. He’s always turned heads, but now he’s finally caught the eye of one of his employers. He’s not quite sure how to handle the gruff, burly bulldog of a man, but he’s eager to figure it out.
Butch grew up in Colchester and is a true son of the city. His background is steeped in mystery and heartache. Growing up on those dirty streets has made him rough, gritty, and unpolished. Not at all the sort of man a refined thing like Onyx would ever entertain spending downtime with, let alone romancing. Not that he has time for courting a sophisticated beauty like Onyx amid the danger that’s about to engulf Gems and all who work there. They’re all going to be too busy just trying to survive…
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