It`s time for Tuesday Tales.
Today we have an excerpt from my current WIP, Playing the Man, an MM hockey romance.
Please do bear in mind that these snippets are unedited so please be kind if you find any mistakes.
This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!
June had started off pleasant but now was a humid monster. Over the course of two days the moisture in the air had climbed. Making my way into the air conditioned gym cooled me instantly. The place was hopping. I caned my way to the front desk, smiling at Mrs. Williams as I neared. She seemed to have made the reception area her new home. Key was doing his best to gently nudge her back to retirement as he was slowly but surely filling in his meager employee roster. Mrs. Williams was not having it.
“Well look at you moving like a cheetah,” she said as I reached the check-in to smile down at her.
“If cheetahs moved like I do they’d starve. The gazelles would be laughing and pointing their hooves at me lumbering along.”
“Oh now, you stop that. Keyshaun tells me that you’re doing well and should be skating in no time.”
“From his mouth to the hockey gods ears,” I replied just as the phone rang. I motioned for her to answer it then leaned on the counter. Key was nowhere to be seen as he had left yesterday with Ornell to see the proposed site for the Buffalo Williams Wellness in person before finalizing the deal.
The door opened, four guys walked in and came to the checkout desk. I moved aside, out of the way, and took a seat on a stationary bike to wait it out. Twenty minutes later Mrs. Williams rolled her eyes at me. I got to my feet and returned to her desk.
“Good lord that was a run. I swear people come in packs. So, did you need anything honey?”
“I wanted to sign up for some yoga lessons with Keyshaun.” She gave me a raised eyebrow. “I have clearance from my therapist but he wants to talk to Key anyway. I’ll clear this all up with him as soon as I talk to him, obviously, but since the classes fill up so fast I wanted to get into the next one.”
“Etta likes to keep the classes small so she can observe and instruct each student, also the room only holds so many.” She looked around. “What did I do with my glasses? Well pooh. I must have left them at home. That’s fine. Let’s open up the document thingy here.” She bent down low. Her nose was nearly resting on the screen of the desktop. “All these lines want to run together. Flimsy programming I say. Oh, we have one opening Monday morning at nine?”
“Perfect, put me in for that class.”
©Copyright V.L. Locey 2024
Love the way you describe Mrs. Williams. LOL I think I know her twin. Great scene.
Love the nose on the screen. We’re now invested in his healing. Looking forward to sticking with him until he’s back on the ice.
My computer twin! Great scene.
Nice snippet!
Love the description of Mrs. Williams. I feel for her. The lines blur for me too. Great job!