I promise I will not break into my Baloo impersonation, even though it’s pretty darn good. I’ll just chat about the things that I need around me when I’m writing, no snappy songs or shaking my bear butt. This time anyway. *winks*
When I sit down to work, there are always a few things that I have to have within easy reach. Obviously my laptop is the number one priority, followed by a cup of coffee close at hand. I also like to keep my day planner and several notepads handy so I can jot down important dates and ideas or reminders to add tidbits to a certain story. With a memory as shoddy as mine, note pads are as precious as Rangers tickets around here!

When I’m writing hockey romance, I have my handy-dandy hockey journal at my side. That little beauty of a book rests right beside my recliner – aka The Queen of the Rangers Seat – and whenever something exciting, bold, aggressive, or amazing happens during a real game I hurry to jot it down to use for inspiration in upcoming on-ice scenes.

Last but certainly not least is an author cat. This is Sir Lucius, who is generally on duty when I’m writing, but on occasion Ms. Lulu takes over. Both cats do not perform their author cat duties at the same time because that tends to end up with hissing, clawing, and fur flying which disrupts my creative flow a good deal. Cups of pens have been knocked askew due to author cat showdowns. My companions take their jobs quite seriously it seems. *sighs*

I’m sure my list varies greatly from other authors. I recall when I was penning “Life is a Stevie Wonder Song” that my storyteller, Stephen, who writes spy novels, has a vastly different process than mine. He tends to enjoy music and the city pulsing around him where as I like the quiet calm of the country. In my current tale, “Nightside”, which is a vampire tale, my leading man Akio Lee, is also a writer and he likes quiet time in front of a fire in the dead of night to create his words.
How I wish I could write at night but my muse is too tired come evening. Old brains. What can you do?
If you’ve not met Stephen, you can get to know him and his much younger muse, Declan, by grabbing a copy of their book by following the link below. It’s a KU exclusive as well and only $0.99 for those who aren’t KU members.

Where do you write down your Railers’ plot bunnies… seeing as we have twenty of them a day… ?
Aw man! I came here not only to read what you have written here but also I was hoping to see your Baloo imitation. Ok.. ok..I’ll admit it…mostly it was the Baloo imitation, but once I got here and found out there wouldn’t be one, I decided , ” what the heck..I’m here let’s see what whacky -doodle stuff she needs surrounding her to create so spectacularly”.
#veryinformative #Awwkitty #whoknew #LovedStephenandDeclansstory